Our Services

CV Coaching Services

Our CV coaching has landed countless of teacher interviews and our interview practice has helped most of our teachers to sail through their interviews successfully. If you need our CV template and coaching as well as interview training, click the following and we will get back to you immediately.

Our tailored CV coaching has secured countless interviews for teachers, and our interview practice sessions have helped many navigate their interviews with confidence and success.

If you’re ready to enhance your CV, receive top-notch coaching, and ace your interviews, simply click the link below. We’ll get back to you promptly with all the details you need.

Job Coaching

A job interview is a two-way conversation that allows the hiring manager to assess your professional skills and understand whether you are the right candidate for the advertised position. Simultaneously, it allows you to learn whether the company is the right fit in which you could build your career.

Attending job interviews can be a nerve-wracking experience where you feel overwhelmed, and nervous, and stumble on your words during interviews.

We understand why this can happen! To this end, GHIBTA will coach you on how to answer tough interview questions, so you deliver perfect answers, sound positive and professional, captivate the interviewer and most importantly, become the hiring manager’s pre-selected candidate.