About Violet Muhandoh

  • Academic Level  Degree Bachelor
  • Age  43 - 47 Years
  • Gender  Female
  • Industry  Education
  • Viewed 17



  • 2019 - Present
    Hope International School -DRC


    Departmental Coordinator

    Responsibilities and achievements.
    – School management, lesson observation, policy formulation and implementation. Ø
    – Bilingual language initiation, implementation, and reinforcement.
    – Teaching Elementary and Middle School.

    – Increased pass rate of students to approximately 68% in classes over 30 in the year 2020-2021.
    – Over 90% output of individual and team efforts, led to growth of student intake and motivation of fellow employees.
    – Boarding section procedures, guidelines developments. This has led to positive yields in management.

  • 2017 - 2019
    Acorns International School - Kigali, Rwanda

    Homeroom Teacher (Year 2)/Mentor

    Responsibilities and achievements|.
    – Teaching and developing life-long skills, risk takers, empowering pupils in the use of technology.
    – Developing and designing interactive lessons about the curriculum of
    – individualized learning plans of some pupils.
    – Worked on a behavioral feedback mechanism that helped parents to manage their children’s behavior.
    – Tutorial lessons for grades 1-6 participation to increase academic learning process and performance.

    – Decreased student fail rate by 32% in the 2017-2019 school year in classrooms with over 30 students.

  • 2010 - 2017
    Green Hills Academy _Kigali, Rwanda.

    Homeroom Teacher (Year 1)/ Vice-Principal

    Responsibilities and achievements|.
    – Differentiated teaching strategies targeting various learners, increased grades by 23% in one year.
    – Classroom management & behavioral strategies implementation. This was in turn a huge success the grades of the affected students rose by 10%.
    – Promoted physical, mental, and social development by engaging learners in learning games and outdoor recreational activities.
    – Assessment, recording, and report writing using a school management system to engage parents and students in the feedback system.
    – A 10-15 students organizational learning process that saw inquiry-based learning becoming a reality.

    – Achieved 100% curriculum goals by guiding the learning process and steering the clear mapping process of objectives in Mathematics, English, Science, and Global Perspectives lessons.
    – Best teacher award from the parents (Honorary award) in general teaching duties, attendance, and teacher duties.
    – Carried out professional developments.




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