About Samuel Kipchirchir
Academic Level Degree Bachelor
Age 28 - 32 Years
Gender Male
Industry Education
Viewed 10
About me
My name is Samuel Kipchirchir a graduate teacher from Kenya.I hold Bachelor of education (arts)History and Religion.currently I teach in AIC MOI Girls _samburu Kenya.i teach grade 9-12.I have a teaching experience of 9 years.currently I am the Head of department (HOD) humanities in the school,I am also the Athletics coach where I teach students how to run.I am aspiring to teach abroad since I have the request experience.
2011 - Present
Moi university, kenya
Bachelor in education (arts) History and Religion
I have second class honors degree in education, where I major in History from moi university, kenya
2017 - Present
Teachers service commission -kenya
Teacher in Aic moi girls samburu-kenya
Teaching History and Religion from Grade 9-12.also the head of department humanities, and a class teacher.
Honors & awards
Athletics coach samburu county -kenya
I got the award for my exemplary coaching samburu county athletics girls upto regional level held in kitale-kenya