Academic Level Master’s Degree
Age 43 - 47 Years
Gender Male
Industry Education
Viewed 12
About me
Am an astute graduate from the prestigious Kenyatta University and Catholic University of Eastern Africa where I graduated with Honors Degree in Education and a Masters degree in Education in Research and Evaluation. Am a highly innovative, creative, self-motivated teacher and currently working in Njuri High School and a Consultant in Advanced Educational Training and Management consultants. I have loved every minute of my work: especially the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge projects and discuss ideas with directors of companies, technical experts, contractors, donors, nomadic and semi nomadic communities.
I remember the words of my post graduate supervisor “You have now embark on a lifelong journey. Any steps you make in life should propel you to be a better person not today but in future”. True to her words I have constantly been interested in matters that permeate in our everyday lives; shapes our thoughts and line of action. I have always been interested in issues that force us to get out of our comfort zone and initiate action. A teacher is one among these many issues. My enthusiasm to be a leading consultant in education has made me view myself differently, as a player with very many responsibilities in a constant learning and development cycle. My main worry has been on how to establish a career path that singles out, appreciates and realizes this noble intention. I have undertaken several trainings and acquired career support skills to enhance my career objective of attaining a status in my professional endeavors as Kenya’s top researcher, planner and implementer of programs that aim at alleviating human suffering.
From my past experiences I have learnt being an Educator entails developing a vision, knowing not only what a program is doing next month but also what you think it should be done in five years from now. The job requires developing a road-map and setting milestones that will lead to long term objectives while keeping short term goals in mind. I have served as a Curriculum master in Yusuf Kuwa Teachers Training Institute during the post war period in Southern Sudan, a Deputy Head in Patterson Memorial secondary school, Mashuuru and currently a Geography teacher in Njuri High school. In these positions, I have been involved in the design and implementation of interventions that have helped uplift educational standards among these communities. Currently I am an educational consultant with Advance educational training and management consultants in charge of Research division. I believe I have a solid background that can contribute immensely towards the realization of the objectives of your organization.
2007 - 2010
Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Master's in education in Research and Evaluation
I have passed my master's degree in education in Research and evaluation with second class upper division.
2016 - Present
Teachers Service Commission
Teacher, Head of Department in Humanities
A teacher of Geography and Kiswahili, head of department in Humanities, advising the management on matters touching on the school administration, mentoring teachers in the department of humanities, supervision of staff, lesson allocation, acquisition and requisition of curriculum implementation materials.
Honors & awards
Teacher of the year award
I got an award for an extra ordinary performance in Njuri High school in Geography