About Peter Dominic Awedam
Academic Level Master’s Degree
Gender Male
Industry Education
Viewed 15
About me
My name is Peter Dominic Awedam. I completed St. John Bosco’s College of Education and was awarded a Diploma in Basic Education in 2012. I was immediately posted to Basina Junior High School to teach ICT and mathematics. The school was dying because of an ICT teacher. So, a friend who knew how good I was at teaching that subject immediately recommended me to the GES office and I was posted to teach there. While in that school, I was given extra responsibilities as a sports teacher and exams officer. While in that school, I pursued my B. Ed mathematics (Basic) at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. it was a two-year sandwich program.
in 2014, I was reposted to St. John Bosco’s Junior High School to help teach mathematics and ICT again. The headteacher in that school made good use of my skills. He appointed me as a form master, a member of the academic board, a validation of the staff salaries, etc. I was the one who typed the end-of-term exam questions. And that saved the school a lot of money. i was the one typing every official document of the school. As an ICT teacher, I was tasked to update the antivirus on the computers supplied to the school to aid the ICT and other subject-related lessons. After some years, the school environment could no longer contain me because there were fewer tasks to do. so, I was getting bored and I had to relocate to a much more involving environment.
in 2015, I graduated from the University of Cape Coast where i was awarded a B. Ed. mathematics (basic). and was transferred to Awe Senior High/Technical School to teach mathematics. while in that school, i had several opportunities to develop myself again. In early 2016, the school management advertised some extra responsibility vacancies for teachers to apply for interviews and appointments as house masters. This came as a piece of good news to me so, I did apply. There were seven teachers scheduled for the interview. from the interview results, I was placed in the 5th position. I was not considered because they needed only four teachers to manage those positions. But I didn’t give up. I continued to work assiduously. so I was appointed as the assistant housemaster that same year. And not only that, one of the housemasters was deposed and i was appointed as the substantive housemaster. It did not also end there, I was given a two-bedroom apartment that same year. In 2018, I was appointed as the assistant entertainment master. i was also the secretary to the Housemasters. After some years of working experience in my first senior high/technical, i was becoming bored again. So i applied for an assurance to teach in a new environment. i always have the zeal to venture into new environments. Continuous professional development is one thing I don’t relent on. I had my second degree in Measurement and Evaluation in Education at the University of Ghana, Legon, the only premier University in Ghana.
In September 2019, i relocated to St. John’s Integrated Senior High/Technical School. This is an inclusive school. Another opportunity to give the best and to also experience handling special needs learners in the same class with counterparts who are not. Here, you will have two teachers attending the learners in every lesson, the subject teacher and a sign language interpreter who will be signing to the hearing-impaired learners in that class. Once a soldier is always a soldier. I was appointed as the form and assistant housemaster. And not only that, I have just been appointed as a member of the academic board of the school. As I said earlier, professional development is one of my hobbies. I had another second degree in Mathematics Education (M. Ed. mathematics education) at another Prestigious University in Ghana, C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences. I currently teaching in this school.
This is a description of me.
Thank you.
2020 - 2021
C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ghana
Master's in Mathematics Education
i have passed a master's in mathematics education, major in mathematics education at C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ghana
2017 - 2018
University of Ghana, Ghana
Master's of Arts in education
I have Passed a Master's in measurement and evaluation, majoring in measurement and evaluation in education from the University of Ghana, Ghana.
2013 - 2015
University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Bachelor of Education in Mathematics (Basic)
i have a Bachelor of Education in mathematics education, majoring in mathematics from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
2009 - 2012
St. John Bosco's College of Education
Diploma in Basic Education
i have passed a Diploma in Basic Education, major in Mathematics and Technical from St. John Bosco's College of Education in Ghana.
2019 - Present
Ghana Education Service
Mathematics Teacher, Form master and Assistant Housemaster
As an assistant housemaster, I have:
 Ensure discipline
 Sanitation
 Assist the Senior Housemaster to receive fresh students into the boarding house
 Help students develop a positive tolerance
 Develop skills through co-curricular activities -
2015 - 2019
Ghana Education Service
Mathematics Teacher, Housemaster and Assistant Entertaniment master
My main responsibilities include:
 Imparting knowledge and moral values in pupils
 Assisting form masters to run the affairs of their forms
My main responsibilities Include:
 Ensure discipline
 Sanitation
 Assist the Senior Housemaster to receive fresh students into the boarding house
 Help students develop a positive tolerance
 Develop skills through co-curricular activities
My main responsibilities include:
o Assisting the entertainment master in forming an entertainment committee
o Assisting the entertainment master in drawing programs and organizing them
o Helping protect and maintain the entertainment gadgets -
2012 - 2015
Ghana Education Service
Mathematics & I CT Teacher
My main responsibilities include:
 Imparting, knowledge and moral values to pupils
 Assisting form masters to run the affairs of their forms
 Setting and typing exam questions, and conducting terminal exams
 Teaching ICT as a subject and also taking care of the ICT tool in the school
 Being in charge of sports in the school
 At a circuit level, the treasurer
Honors & awards
Best housemaster
I got this award for my extraordinary performance.