About Eric Okyere
Academic Level Degree Bachelor
Gender Male
Industry Education
Viewed 13
About me
I am an energetic, industrious and trustworthy young man. I am adventurous and love to know more. Since knowledge is power, I do my best to grab any piece of knowledge that passes may way. For this reason I am an author of a Storybook, work books and handouts which are benefiting many students. I have the passion to impart knowledge and the love for people move me to share what I know. I am also moved to give the necessary assistance to relief others. For example, I together with my colleagues assisted a certain student to finish her high school. This benefactor is currently working in the USA. In addition to the above, the development of my country is at my heart. When a county is developed, the lives of the people become developed and living becomes standard and enjoyable. Nevertheless, the development of a country depends on the individuals of the nation: their dedication, hardworking and patriotism. An educated person is a powerful tool for national development. I therefore want to gain more knowledge to help in national development. Hence I humbly apply to your noble institution to catapult me to attain that goal. I hope I would be considered to further my education so as to be well-equipped to become a better person. The knowledge gained would also be used to help others. This I would gladly do so since I am already doing so.
2022 - 2023
University of Education, Winneba
Post Graduate Diploma in Education
I have passed Post Graduate Diploma in Education.
2008 - Present
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Biological Sciences
I have passed my Bachelors degree.
- 2021 - Present
Honors & awards
Form Master
I got this award because of my extraordinary hard work and dedication